Dear parents,
Today, using cell phones among young people offers several opportunities but also comes with challenges. It’s important to share this information with you: Habilomedia Resources. Kids/teens share personal information and images through these networks.
At Sainte-Marguerite-Bourgeoys school, we have a rule about cell phone use. Students up to grade 9 are not allowed to use (or even have in their possession) a cell phone during the day. We ask them to leave them under lock and key in their lockers. The rule has been more flexible for our grades 10 to 12 students. If there are any communications on your part, it’s essential to contact the office, and we’ll follow up. It’s a question of security.
I’m writing to offer you some suggestions/information to initiate discussions. It’s imperative that you, as a parent, are aware of what’s happening on social networks and the conversations your children might be having online. To help you, I’d like to share a few resources with you:
- The Parent Network – Social Media and Your Kids
- Social Media Usage Amongst Kids in 2023
- A few rules to establish with your kids about using social networks
- Online Safety Resources
- Protect Kids Online
At school, we hear kids talking and sharing. The results of online discussions are beamed back to school the following day. Some feel uncomfortable with what’s happening online on social networks. Their use has both positive and negative impacts. Cyberbullying is one of these negative impacts. At school, we are limited in observing and supervising these tools and their devices. However, I’m sharing this information with you so that you, as a parent, can keep the discussion open and monitor the use of these tools/applications.
In the hope that this will be of assistance to our families,
I wish you all a good school year.
All the best,
Jean-François Ouellet